Just Sign Here- Now

Us docs are afraid of not getting paid.  Even more, we’re afraid of getting sued.  Like most industries, we protect ourselves with forms that we silently insist you sign.   We hit you with forms whereby you promise to pay whatever amount we demand, if insurance doesn’t pay us to our satisfaction.  We also hit you with language whereby you indemnify us 6 ways to Sunday, if we screw up and cause you more harm than good. 

Yes, other industries try to protect themselves from lawsuits and from not getting paid in full.    However, we have advantages that few other industries have.  We can present forms to you at your most vulnerable time; like when you’re waiting for a shot that will relieve your pain, or when you’re undressed in the exam room.  It’s the rare  patient who will be on the exam table in an ill fitting hospital gown with a doc and nurse prepping, even read the consent form we present at that time, let alone question it.  They just sign, and we have a document to protect us. 

Hey if we could present the form while you’re under general anesthetic, we would, but our lawyers tell us that’s crossing a line. Signing just prior to the anesthetic being administered, is almost as good.